It certainly is tough for an impact film to postpone its impact.
Dear stay-at-home Pioneers,
No matter where you are in the world, COVID-19 has most likely caused your life to change. You’re sheltering at home, probably feeling much more isolated than you’d like, and adjusting to a new normal.
Since Pioneers in Skirts is a social impact film that must be seen in front of a live audience in order to do its job, this change has really affected us too. We’re sad to say that we spent the first week postponing bookings — and mourning the positive momentum we had built with the film.
That was tough. But now, we’re focused on finding new ways of using the film to impact our culture.
After a week of research and negotiations, Lea-Ann and I are proud to announce Pioneer at Home!! It’s a way for families to watch the theatrical version of Pioneers in Skirts in the comfort of their home — and an opportunity for parents to talk with their kids about stereotyping and the realities of others.
↑UPDATE ↑ since making this video we’ve broadened our online screening capabilities. Click on Watch the Film to find out how you can screen the movie online!
We all need to take care of each other, our loved ones, and our communities. As we like to say, we’re all in this TOGETHER.
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay inside!
Ashley and Lea-Ann