Future Friday Honoree Angela Benton – May 2016

Angela Benton doesn’t sit still, figuratively or physically. She’s perpetually in motion, like a bullet-train picking up speed as evidenced by her resume. She’s a technology expert, speaker, media personality, and entrepreneur — as well as the founder and CEO of NewME, a social enterprise that helps accelerate entrepreneurs.

NewME has accelerated hundreds of entrepreneurs in changing their lives, and by helping them raise over $20 million in venture capital funding. The company focuses on helping entrepreneurs identify strengths from their non-traditional backgrounds and leverage them in business.

Angela spent most of her childhood growing up in Northern Virginia. She had her first child at 16 while attending high school — of which she graduated in 3 years. She went on to graduate Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Communications with a specialization in Digital Design.

Being a single mom is NOT a setback. Nestled somewhere in the pages of a storybook is the idea that entrepreneurs “hustle,” “crush it,” “grind” and whatever other word you can come up with to describe working really, really hard on your business 100 percent of the time.  Out here in the real world, we know that’s not true.

Don’t get me wrong, entrepreneurship is a ton of work. However don’t let the perception of this lifestyle count you out before you even count yourself in. Being a single mom comes with a wealth of skills that do well in entrepreneurship like: multitasking, creativity, managing and/or operating on a budget, and problem-solving to say the least. I don’t know about you but I’d put my money on someone with these skills rather than a new college grad. – Angela Benton (from Entrepreneur)

Prior to launching NewME in 2011, Angela garnered experience spanning a variety of industries and roles. She has worked at several InterActive Corp businesses including RealEstate.com, LendingTree.com, and RushmoreDrive.com. In 2007, she launched BlackWeb20.com — the leading online publication for African-Americans interested in Technology and New Media.

Throughout her career, she has worked in a variety of roles in design, marketing, development, digital strategy and entrepreneurship.

Connect with Angela here!





We first discovered Angela when we happened upon a Forbes article that spoke to her persistence and passion. She had some insightful, funny and inspiring words to share—on race & gender equality as well as advice for young mothers beginning their careers. We then reached out to Angela and asked her a few questions to help a next generation girl relate with Angela and her story.

Q: What is the best career advice you’ve ever received? 

Don’t overthink how I was going to do something.

I’m an over-thinker and sometimes that can stop you from moving forward. An old boss gave me this advice and it is what helped me become comfortable with stepping out on faith to start my own business when I wasn’t sure how I would make ends meet as a single mother with three kids.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Being able to see the impact of my work on people’s lives.

It’s extremely fulfilling to be able to see someone reach (or on the path to reach) their full potential because of my work.

Q: Tell us about the project or passion you are most focused on right now?


Since being diagnosed with early stage breast cancer I’ve slowed down a bit and re-organized my life so that I can focus on healing. It has been a sort of awakening and reminder that life is short and that we have the power to design a life that is fulfilling, nurturing, and successful.


Q: Knowing what you know now, what would you say to your 14 year old self to help your path be less stressful and/or more successful?

Stay open to helping others but also protect yourself from being consumed by it.

For businesses that are mission driven or solving a social problem I think it is very easy to pour yourself into this work without thinking or forgetting to think about yourself and your own well-being.

With all that she’s had to overcome in her life, Angela has taken her career to a point where she’s respected as a thought leader and someone who has found ways to design a life that focuses on “self”.  Angela, YOU are a Pioneer!

YOU can Nominate a #FutureFriday Candidate
Are you impressed with what a colleague or friend is doing in her career? Is she an inspirational example of success? Do you know a woman who has shown “what’s possible” to the women around them? Have they overcome gender barriers or figured out how to change the game of career advancement? Well then — nominate her by contacting our producers!

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