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Asian American & Pacific Islander Women’s Equal Day

Asian American and Pacific Islander women are paid 85 cents for every dollar paid to white men.

#AAPIEqualPay Day 2021


The average Asian American / Pacific Islander woman is paid $0.85 for every $1.00 paid white, non-Hispanic men, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars over a 40-year career.

But, that’s only part of the #AAPIEqualPay story. For certain communities, the wage gap is far greater. Vietnamese women earn $0.67, Hmong women earn $0.61, and Burmese women earn only $0.52, making them some of the lowest paid people in the nation. Even within high earning fields, Asian women are paid less than their male counterparts. “Model-minority” rhetoric is racist, classist, divisive, and just plain wrong. The wage gap affects ALL women.

For more: www.equalpaytoday.org/aapi-womens-equal-pay-day-2021

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